Thursday, October 20, 2011

Technorati - The Google of blog search engines

I have submitted my blog to Technorati which was founded to help bloggers succeed by collecting, highlighting, and distributing the global online conversation.

Read more:

Technorati is the "Google" of blog search engines.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Murray Moontlight Run

This past Saturday night my wife and I ran in the Murray Moontlight Run.  Yes that is spelled right.  I don't know why there is a t in the title, but there is so it makes searching for it on the Internet a lot harder (UPDATE, only some web pages have it spelled with a T, I think the actual web site has it omitted).

Monday, October 10, 2011

Conner Show us the cheap mans way of waxing

Scout camp is always a fun and adventurous time where boys get to do dumb things. Conner was talked into wrapping duct tape around his leg, which from the sounds of the video (sorry for the poor quality) you can tell it was a cheap painful way of waxing your legs.

This is just one piece of tape that had Conner's hair on it.  He had bald spots on his leg from where the tape was torn off.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wifi Enabled Thermostat

For the longest time I have wanted to get a wifi enabled thermostat, but have never really needed one. This past summer my old thermostat went and I was forced to get a new one. While I was at Home Depot looking for a new one I noticed the various different types. First you have the cheap $20 - $30 ones with don't do much more than adjust your temperature. Next you have the mid range which do a little more and they run from $40 - $70. Finally you have the wifi enabled ones that run about $99. As I looked at these models I decided that its not that much more to go with the wifi one.